


And we all, with unveiled face, continually seeing as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are progressively being transformed into His image from glory to glory,
which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. (2 Corinthians 3:18)



Dr. Jeremy Lopez (羅傑米博士)

羅傑米是一位創業家、成功的夢想與人生教練、激勵演講家、人道主義者和教師。他熱愛教導人如何從那些攔阻他們實現最大潛力的舊思考模式中得釋放,這樣的服事驅動他、並賦予他生命目的和意義。在過去十年,他已建立幾間成功的公司,並著作27本暢銷書籍。上千名世界各地的教會侍奉者、創業家與個人,正使用他的人生教練教材發展自信心,並已實現他們的異象、事業目標和個人成長。Jeremy Lopez is an entrepreneur, successful dream and life coach, motivational speaker, humanitarian and teacher. His love and passion for discovering and teaching people how to release the mindsets that holds them back from achieving their fullest potential is what drives him and gives his life purpose and meaning.  In the last 10 years he has grown successful companies and written 27 great selling books. Thousands of ministers, entrepreneurs and individuals worldwide are currently using his life coaching techniques to develop unstoppable confidence and certainly in achieving their vision, business goals and personal best.




Mrs. Janet Robertson (羅珍亞宣教師)

羅珍亞是一位熱情的教會開拓者,她相信教會是表達上帝的愛、讓世人經歷神的慈愛、並傳遞上帝大愛的管道。珍亞畢業於蘇格蘭的格拉斯哥聖經學院神學系,隨後在「青年使命團」 (YWAM) 擔任青年宣教師,長駐在荷蘭、印度、尼泊爾等地。在以女同志的身分出櫃後,珍亞搬到美國並進修獲得國際企業學位,之後在洛杉磯公司工作任職財務主任多年,並建立發現使命國際宣教中心 (Encounter Mission International)。Janet Robertson is a passionate church planter.  She believes that a church is God’s favorite vehicle for his love to be experienced, expressed and exported. Janet graduated from the Glasgow Bible College in Scotland with a degree in Theology.  After graduation she went on to work as a missionary for Youth With A Mission (YWAM) serving in Holland, India and Nepal.  After coming out as a lesbian, Janet left missions and moved to the United States to pursue a degree in International Business. She then worked for several years as the Director of Finance for a Los Angeles Company. 




Rev.Joseph Chang (張懋禛牧師)
身為牧師的兒子,張懋禛牧師承接了許多屬靈福氣和優良信仰傳統,但上帝給他超越這些的呼召,突破自己性傾向的限制與宗派的藩籬,勇敢建立與眾不同的事工。他是一位教會開拓者、熱切追求聖靈工作、致力培訓基督門徒、積極推動上帝國愛與公義的宣教。張懋禛牧師1997年畢業於台灣政治大學廣播電視學系,2000年在美國波士頓Emerson College取得企管傳播與公共關係 (Management Communication and Public Relations) 碩士,並在2002年進入台灣神學院接受裝備取得道學碩士。他曾任職於綠色和平廣播電台、哈佛大學美術館公關部、大都會社區教會 (Metropolitan Community Church) 總部,神學院畢業後在台灣基督長老教會總會「研究與發展中心」擔任研究員四年。張懋禛牧師與伴侶於2008年一起開拓真光福音教會,並經常在世界各地旅行服事。目前除了擔任真光的主任牧師、參與台灣的婚姻平權運動,也正預備帶領團隊到台中開拓新教會。



林玉如師母 (Mrs. Yu-Ru Lin)
